Butted Rail System
The Butted Rail System gives the Engineer more freedom to specify the line of the vertical cladding in relation to the column face, regardless of the section depth of the side rail. As the rails are single spans simply supported between the columns, they can be positioned to suit the architectural details, rather than be governed by the section depth of continuous rail systems that must pass across the column faces. Note: Where damage to the finishes might arise from the effects of deflection in side rails, or where rails are intended to provide lateral restraint to the tops of brick walls, deflection design checks should be carried out, with use of our design suite. Click here to for your free copy.
Butted Joint Arrangement
This system can occasionally involve notched end connections to the rails due to width restrictions imposed by the Architect. Non standard cleats are therefore required.
Standard Punching Patterns.
These layouts do not imply that all sections are suitable.
Non Standard Punching Patterns.
Additional holes on the standard punchlines will be made as detailed. Non standard punchlines can be incorporated at no extra charge.
For Anti-Sag Details click here
For Cleat Details click here