Ceiling Channels In response to the frequent use of Hi-Span channels as part of the ceiling support grid, load tables have been prepared for single span ceiling channels giving maximum allowable loads (based on a load factor of 1.6) and allowable loads that fall within the deflection limits indicated. As with non-restraining cladding systems, the top flange of ceiling channels are unrestrained, and lateral restraint must be provided by the use of angle strut braces. Where ceiling channels can be continous, i.e. fixed to the underside of the supporting steelwork, the sleeved system may be adopted, and allowable loads taken from the values given in the tables for purlins carrying non-restraining cladding. If channels are to be used in ceiling support grids suspended from pitched roof portal frames, or other high level steelwork by means of hanges please contact our Technical Department. |
Restraint Requirements As neither the top flange or the bottom flange of a ceiling support channel is restrained, we recommend using a rigid-fix strut between members. These are situated at either mid-span or third points, according to bay size. |
Trimming Cleats
When additional trimming channels are needed Hi-Span TC cleats can be used at supports. They are referenced by the standard gauge line of the section size being used.